Revolutionizing Telecom: How Automating Call Center QA Reduces AHT and Boosts Efficiency

It’s about time for telecom institutes and organizations to start adopting cutting-edge solutions such as AI speech analytics, automation, IoT, and 5G – while also training the agents and boosting their Emotional Intelligence (EI).

This combination helps modernize and streamline operations, enabling agents to become more responsive and empathetic with callers and making the system more agile. 

By harnessing the power of AI, especially in aspects like Real-Time Agent Assist and Sentiment Analysis, telecom companies can significantly reduce Average Handle Time (AHT) while enhancing overall efficiency.

In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of automating Quality Assurance (QA) with Qorden AI, focusing on reducing AHT and propelling operational efficiency eventually boosting the ROI. 

The Benefits of Automating QA in Telecom

Automated Quality Assurance (QA) is performed by listening to the recorded calls and rating them on quality, based on pre-defined metrics of agent performance.

Automation saves you agents in the long run, resulting in cost reduction, monitors 100% of the calls, and analyzes them all!

Manual sampling, on the other hand, can only offer 3-5% of that!

The Challenge of AHT in Telecom

AHT, a critical metric in telecom call centers, measures the average duration of a customer interaction. High AHT often indicates inefficiencies in call handling and can be a drain on resources.

Another part of this is the AHT is the hold time clients wait before they get to the agent. If you think about it, it’s all a cycle. When your representative stays for a long time on a call explaining back and forth and answering the client’s questions, there’ll be a longer hold time for the other clients calling. And it goes on and on. 

How Does Qorden AI’s Auto QA Help Reduce AHT?

Qorden AI introduces a sophisticated Auto QA solution that revolutionizes the way call centers operate.

By integrating AI and machine learning, Qorden AI analyzes 100% of call interactions, providing comparehensive insights that were previously unattainable with manual QA processes.

1. Real-Time Analysis and Prompt Resolutions:
The cornerstone of Qorden AI’s Auto QA is its ability to analyze calls in real-time. This capability ensures immediate identification of issues, allowing telecom agents to address them promptly directly contributing to reducing AHT.

2. Compliance and Quality Monitoring:
Qorden AI’s Auto QA seamlessly integrates compliance monitoring, ensuring that all customer interactions adhere to regulations and quality standards. This reduces the time spent on post-call compliance checks, indirectly contributing to a lower AHT.

3. Customizable Quality Metrics:
Your team can configure Qorden AI to focus on specific KPIs relevant to your operations. This customization means that call evaluations are aligned with your unique operational goals, enhancing efficiency and contributing to reduced AHT.

4. Training and Performance Enhancement:
Auto QA offers data-driven insights for targeted agent training. By identifying common call handling issues, Qorden AI enables your telecom operators to tailor their training programs, improving agent efficiency and reducing AHT.

How Qorden AI’s Auto QA Impact on AHT and Efficiency

Qorden AI is at the forefront of AI-driven speech analytics solutions, and its Auto QA feature is set to redefine efficiency and cost-saving in the telecom industry. 

1. Real-Time Monitoring and Assessment:
Qorden AI’s Auto QA continuously monitors live calls in real-time, assessing agent interactions with customers as they happen. 
For telecom specialists, this means immediate problem resolution, reduced call handling time, and improved first-call resolution rates. According to Qualitrics’ research, “1% rise in first call resolution, there is a 1% increase in customer satisfaction. Satisfaction is key for business success for many reasons: it can reduce your cost of serving customers by 20%, and increase revenue by 15%. Not only that, but when you have high customer satisfaction, you’re more likely to retain customers.” 

2. Efficient Compliance Management:
Auto QA AI algorithms meticulously monitor calls for compliance with industry regulations and internal policies.
This capability alone can amplify conversion rates by up to 30%, empowering telecom specialists to seize revenue-generating opportunities at the moment. By tracking compliance with industry regulations and internal policies, Qorden AI acts as a vigilant guardian, instantly flagging potential breaches and enabling rapid issue resolution. 
Beyond risk mitigation, Qorden AI delivers substantial cost savings by preventing compliance-related fines and damage to the company’s reputation. 

3. Customizable Quality Metrics:
Qorden AI allows telecom companies to define custom quality metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) specific to their business objectives. 
Auto QA then evaluates agent performance based on these customized metrics, ensuring that assessments align with the company’s unique goals. This flexibility enables organizations to focus on areas that directly impact their revenue, such as upselling, cross-selling, or addressing specific customer pain points.

4. Scalability and Cost Savings: 
Auto QA scales effortlessly with call volume. Unlike manual QA processes, which require additional staffing as call volume grows, Qorden AI’s Auto QA handles an unlimited number of calls without increasing costs proportionally. This scalability allows telecom organizations to maintain efficiency and quality assurance as they expand their operations, all while keeping operational expenses in check.

Closing the Conversation

In conclusion, by automating QA processes for your telecom institution, you’ll execute top-notch end-to-end service, and capture critical insights eventually offering a flawless user experience.

With Qorden AI’s auto QA, you’ll enhance operational efficiency and boost your revenue.

Embrace this transformative technology, and your telecom company will stay ahead of the curve.